Monday, October 12, 2009



  1. Hello everybody..assalamualaikum & very good morning to all of you..

    hurm..environment..??In my opinion, programme homestay necessarily would hold programmes cleanliness because area cleanliness homestay will increase tourists arrival. as such among programmes were implemented is cooperation cleaning house compound, provide rubbish bin in area of public focus, programme planted a inside flower plant drainage system house compound and repair. This landscape programme and also encouraged abandoned use of materials such as tyre, bottle, can be etc to be recycled as a useful decoration. Through this programme also some signboard fruit, hut information and gate built to tell society so that able care aesthetical cleanliness and environment... so,in conculsion, homestay would give good effects to environment and cleanliness..tQ.. (",)

  2. The environmental issue is become large issue in tourism.Loss of flaura and fauna occurs due to tourism expansion.The influx of tourists with different life-style,large financial resources, and non-indigenous services can not only disturb existing economic life but also can destroy the cultures(Pearce,1989).This statement show to the tourism how important to keep clean environmental of homestay places.Another ways to keep clean environment is recycling.Recycling is proportion of a material from primary source that can be made available for re-use.The extent to which recycling can take place depends upon variety of factors such as the nature material.

  3. yes, i'm agree with you faiz..but sorry faiz, you must still remember no perfect development like word 'human are not perfect'..huhuuuuu...we dont just say the bad effect of homestay to enviroment.. Homestay follows emphasize importance of caring net environment and beautiful..its because, this to keep village image..for example, if the village dirty, tourist would not come..that true..?

  4. For me ...
    homestay does not give effect to the surrounding environment ..
    this is because every activity in the run very concerned about the environment ..
    for example .. bergotong royong practices with villagers is the main activities in the homestay ..
    This indicates that the environment will be secure from destruction even though there homestay activities ..

  5. Homestay and environmental issue is a very interesting topic to discus. As we know, homestay can give many effect to our environment. There has a good effect and bad side. But, the bad effect just a litte bit.Acctually, homestay give a many good effect to our environment. First, world can know about our true country when they come here. Before that, they just listen to other person. They always think something bad abaout our country. But, When theirself come to our country, they can see a true our country life style.And then their mindset was changed itself. They see our citizen live in a peacefull. Don`t have any conflict like they think. So, with our homestay programe, it a can changed foreigner mindset about our country.

  6. In sociology major, sociologist very like to do a research about other country cultures. They try to compare other country with their country. With the homestay programe, they can come to our country and do some research. They try to look what a homestay programe actually. Try to find what a homestay effect to citizen lifesytle. That why, for me, the homestay programe can give a effect for environment. When they come back to their country and tell their community about the research, of course they all want coming here to try a ecperience itself.

  7. Some time i think the homestay programe can give a few effects to environment. I say like that because, when the tourist come to our country, they also bring their cultures together. At least their try to show their cultures to local community. After many time, i think their cultures can influence local community lifestyle. And, local community try to make some adjustment and modification to adopt tourists culture.

  8. Beautiful and comfortable environment will affect success of a programme homestay. Various efforts have been undertaken to achieve this success. Party government took heavy of this issue. Government had appropriated money specifically for this programme in plan malaysia to 9
